Spiritual Kinesiology & Bowen Therapy

Spiritual Kinesiology

Spiritual Kinesiology sets out to balance physical and spiritual harmony, to assist you in experiencing more Spiritual wellness within your life experience. By weaving together the principles of Kinesiology with Spiritual expansion, we can uncover and resolve trauma and sabotage strategies that are holding you back from enjoying the intricate tapestry of your unique Spiritual essence. It is a combination that draws out the whispers of the body's energy, emotions and the soul's yearnings, opening up the subtle dialogue of your inner and outer landscapes, interpreting the language of your soul. Book a Spiritual Kinesiology session with me to enliven your connection with your Spiritual self and to honor the beauty and depth of your unique soul. You will want to record this session as there can be a lot of information come through once the channel has opened.

Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy is a physical reset that releases from the deepest tissues in the human body, coaxing the muscles to release and relax, unfurling the knots of stress and inviting a more healthy state of being. Gentle rolling moves send signals deep within the tissues and up to the brain, to allow the physical body to release the deep tension that is carried within the body when we are feeling stressed. The release typically felt after a Bowen session is often surprising as it affects all aspects of the being: physical/emotional/spiritual. Bowen Therapy can be applied when there is an issue with your physical body alone, or as a regular therapy to maintain optimal state of wellbeing.